Author: Vanessa Harrop

Vanessa has a deep passion for hunting and the outdoors and she loves to immerse herself in cultures around the globe. As hunting is the cornerstone of all cultures, she believes there is no better way to experience a destination. She is constantly seeking out new adventures and whether it’s climbing mountains in search of mountain goats and sheep, chasing Muskox on the tundra with her bow, or stalking elk and deer in the foothills of Alberta, she embraces it all! There is nothing quite like the adrenalin and anticipation that comes with each adventure. Vanessa is also a gear junky and is constantly searching out and testing products to assist in her pursuits. There is no need to call Vanessa a huntress. She is proud to be simply a hunter and no matter where she hunts, she is respected for her tenacity and grit. She is strong role model for all women hunters.
There’s one thing I love about Pronghorn Antelope hunting: it’s the opportunity to find something unique, different, funky, and weird. After waiting 13 years to draw a trophy Pronghorn Antelope tag in Alberta, I wasn’t going to waste it on any ordinary buck. Each set of Pronghorn Antelope horns is unique, and I wasn’t worried about how much it scored or how long it was; I just wanted it to be “funky.”. Pronghorn Antelope are one of the few members of the horned-game family where each and every set of horns is unique. I wasn’t worried about how much it…
Proper rifle fit is often overlooked when purchasing a new firearm, but it’s crucial for maximum field accuracy. Not all rifles fit the same, nor do all shooters require the same fit. Many hunters’ first experience shooting is with a borrowed rifle. These guns typically don’t fit very well, resulting in bad habits developed early on. New shooters may learn to adapt, but few ever shoot a poorly fitting rifle to its full potential. The trick is to initially shoot a rifle that fits perfectly, resulting in more shooting enjoyment and fewer bad habits. Even if you’ve been the victim…