Author: NA Deer Hunter Staff

NADH is the authority on hunting the most popular big game animal in North America, the white tailed deer, plus other species of big game from around the world. Readers will have access to passionate, skilled hunters and be able to learn form their experiences in all aspects of Big Game hunting. We’ll share the latest in gear and techniques from the world’s finest manufacturers with our expert reviews and insightful training resources to help make you a more skilled, successful hunter.
The South Carolina Waterfowl Association (SCWA) invites you to participate in the Mega Conservation Education Raffle (MCER), a unique opportunity to support wildlife conservation education and win remarkable prizes. Established in 1986, SCWA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to enhancing and perpetuating our wildlife heritage through education and habitat conservation. By joining the MCER, you directly contribute to SCWA’s mission, funding the expansion of facilities and programs at the SCWA Wildlife Education Center. This center is home to Camp Woodie and Camp Leopold, programs designed to educate youth about wildlife conservation and the importance of our natural resources. Buy…
A bill advancing in the Montana legislature seeks to ban the use of electronic motion-detecting devices for hunting, a move aimed at preserving the tradition of fair chase and ethical hunting practices. The measure, supported by a majority of lawmakers, would prevent hunters from using motion-tracking technology to detect game in real time. Supporters argue that such devices give hunters an unfair advantage, violating the principle of fair chase by making locating and harvesting animals easier. Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks officials have voiced concerns over the increasing reliance on technology in hunting, saying that motion sensors, remote cameras, and…
The proposal to add a constitutional amendment recognizing hunting, fishing, and trapping as fundamental rights in Iowa is an important and potentially game-changing development for outdoor enthusiasts and hunters across the state. If passed, this amendment would give constitutional protection to these activities, solidifying them as rights that future generations of Iowans would be guaranteed. From a hunter’s standpoint, this is a moment of empowerment and a signal of the growing acknowledgment of the importance of these practices to the state’s culture, economy, and way of life. Recently, Florida became the 24th state to enshrine these rights in their constitution. …
A comprehensive guide to help choose the right gifts for hunters in your life. We know how hard it is to find that perfect gift for a loved one who spends their time outdoors hunting, so our staff has come together and listed some of their favorite products in order to help make your gift shopping easier. The hunter in your life will love these items as they are reviewed and/or tested and proven by our knowledgeable staff. You can count on their recommendations to put a smile on the face of your favorite hunter this holiday season, or any…
A Game Changer for Deer, Turkey, and Predator Hunting In the world of hunting deer, turkeys, or predators, there is often the need or the desire to hunt from the ground. When this situation occurs, there are few tools that are as essential as a reliable ground blind, and having the right blind can make all the difference between a successful hunt and a disappointing outing. Enter the Warrior Down and Out Ground Blind from Hawk, a revolutionary product designed to elevate your ground blind hunting experience to new heights. They tout themselves to the “World’s Most Permanent Portable Blind”…
Our first Rut Report of the year was published in early September. We reported observing the usual early season rubs and fresh scrapes sure signs of the upcoming rut. By now bucks were “hard horned” and light sparring and pushing matches were occurring. Bachelor groups were beginning to break up, but doe-fawn groups were still intact. The deer were for the most part in their summer feeding patterns, but slowly transitioning to Fall food sources dominated whitetail behavior patterns. Our whitetail hunting experts advised hunting late summer-early fall food sources and cautioned that most of the big bucks were for…
Whether you didn’t fill your tag the first go-around or just love to hunt the late season, one thing is for sure, December and early January gives you a great chance at shooting a trophy whitetail. Yes the conditions are harsher than the early seasons but whitetail bucks are still susceptible to harvest because one thing is on their mind: food. Another key point of hunting the month of December, that is not to be overlooked, is the onset of the secondary rut. Approximately one month after the peak dates of the primary rut, unbred and young does will again…
For whitetail hunters, the dreaded lockdown is one of the most unproductive times of deer season. For a few it can be one of the luckiest times, but unfortunately, far less than we hope. Lockdown is the phase when a doe becomes submissive to a buck and allows him to become her breeding partner. Although this description does little justice to the real science behind it, a simplistic view of this behavior will save many of us from ripping our hair out over hunting bucks during the lockdown phase. This just happens to be the time when the majority of…
As more does start coming into heat this week, most bucks throw caution to the wind and abandon their limited movement patterns to search for and breed does—24/7. As a rule, the second week of the month is typically the most frantic by far. Within a short period of time, mature breeding bucks can lose a quarter of their body weight searching out and guarding does in heat—one after another. A prime-aged breeding buck will spend approximately two days with a receptive doe, after which the doe will no longer be in estrus. The buck will then leave her to…
By the last week of October, the whitetail woods will be bare of leaves, making it much easier for hunters to spot approaching deer. Sparring is a rare occurrence now, as most mature bucks are wound too tightly to even stand the sight of another male. And with dominance hierarchies in place, the buck that knows he’s the subordinate will quickly tuck tail and run from any threatening adversary. At this time, it’s not uncommon for the first batch of does to come into heat, sending local bucks into a frenzy. This is just a warm-up for what’s soon to…