Author: Lisa Roper

Lisa Roper is enthusiastic about all things outdoors. Enjoying her time in the woods and on the waters in Western Canada, she doesn’t just spend some of her free time pursuing her passion, she has been creating memories that will last a lifetime. Join Lisa Roper Outdoors on Sportsman Channel Canada and World Fishing Network on an authentic outdoor journey. Lisa engages the viewer’s emotions in an exciting and wildly inspiring fishing experience. Between the beautiful scenery, delicious shore lunches, fishing tales shared among friends, and phenomenal trophy fish on the line, Lisa will surely have you hooked! Lisa is a strong advocate for conservation and ethically sustainable hunting and angling. Her greatest joy comes from introducing people, particularly women and youth, to the amazing opportunities and adventures that accompany hunting, angling, and the outdoors! Through her journeys, outdoor writing, engagements, and workshops she strives to educate and inspire others to find joy and confidence in an outdoor lifestyle.
In the abundant boreal forests of the Lac La Biche region in Northern Alberta, the crisp air signals the arrival of hunting season, which is more than just the thrill of the chase or the ultimate harvest. Here, among the tall spruce and the last of the rustling leaves, a deeper connection unfolds—one of nurturing growth, resilience, and empowerment, especially among young female hunters. It’s a journey where the symphony of nature harmonizes with the quiet determination of two aspiring hunters as stories of resilience, growth, and triumph come to life. The Initial Success: Beyond the Deer Stand Meet Izzy,…
A halo of snow covered the jagged mountains overlooking Sundre from the west. Southward, the smooth pavement gave way to a weathered dirt road with horses and cattle grazing peacefully in the fields. Tall aspens displayed hues of maroon reds, flaming oranges, and amber yellows—a living masterpiece created by nature. With each passing mile, civilization receded into my rearview mirror and the mountain walls were my guiding companions. The river that ran parallel to the solitary, one-lane road ahead embraced me in a profound sense of inner peace. Its gentle flow whispered secrets of the natural world, offering comfort and…
It is September. My car window is down, and the warm breeze and sun are gracing my face. The sky is a magnificent blue with no clouds or any chance of rain. I have a seemingly endless view of peaceful lakes, thick boreal forest, untamed rivers, slow-trickling creeks, and rolling grass-covered hills. I’m located two hours north of Edmonton, Alberta. As I turn off the paved highway, a tunnel of trees guides me down a long, windy country road to the boat launch on the large, fast-moving, mountain-fed North Saskatchewan River. As an avid angler, I regularly pursue walleye, pike,…