Author: Mike Hungle

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Hello my name is Mike Hungle. I am an outdoor writer and photographer from Regina, Saskatchewan. I enjoy writing how to articles and field-testing new gear. I grew up ice fishing and duck hunting with my dad. The outdoor tradition continues as I spend many a day outdoors with my son and daughter. We focus on what I often call the 3 W’s – walleye, whitetails and waterfowl but also pursue other big game animals, fish and upland game birds. My kids have been on the water and afield with me all their lives. They have caught many a fish, harvested some prime big game animals, inhaled plenty of fresh air and stopped to appreciate countless sun rises and sunsets. To see some of our adventures visit us on Instagram @hungle_outdoors and on the pages of this publication.

The Key To Tasty Venison When I hear someone say their venison tastes bad, wild, or gamey, I will often start a conversation with them to find out more about why their taste buds find the venison offensive. Within short order, it becomes clear that they delayed or neglected important field-dressing tasks after their deer, antelope, moose, or elk was harvested, resulting in poor-tasting wild game meat. Just as an abattoir processes beef or pork, it’s imperative for hunters to field dress, skin, hang, and cool their big game animals in a quick, clean, orderly fashion. Doing so helps them…

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