Author: TJ Schwanky
T.J. Schwanky is one of Canada’s most prolific outdoor writers, penning nearly 1,500 articles since he began writing in 1986. He is also host and producer of Canada’s longest-running hunting television series, Outdoor Quest TV, now in its 24th season of broadcast on Sportsman Channel Canada. TJ has a passion for big game hunting and has hunted on six continents, but his real love is hunting sheep, elk, moose and deer in North America. He has taken a grand slam of North American sheep and has several animals in the record books with rifle and muzzleloader. TJ is recognized as an expert on mountain hunting and long-range shooting and lives in the shadow of the Rocky Mountains in Alberta, Canada. He hunts extensively with his partner, Vanessa Harrop, who also shares his passion for wild places.
Choosing the best rifle scope is no longer just about spending more for better quality—it’s about understanding what meets your hunting or shooting needs. Over the past decade, competition among optics manufacturers has skyrocketed, driving innovation and stabilizing prices. Today, you can find exceptional options across all price ranges, from budget-friendly to high-end scopes. Whether you’re a casual deer hunter or a long-range precision shooter, this guide explores the best rifle scopes of to date, detailing features, pros, and cons to help you make an informed decision. While it seems like most things are getting more expensive these days, the…
It had been a long time since I’d been required to take a test, and this one had me really nervous. The outcome would decide whether I’d be able to hunt the following day or not. I was in Finland, and we were testing out the new Sako 100 rifle and according to Finnish law, I was required to pass a shooting proficiency test to be able to hunt moose. I was using a rifle that I’d only laid hands on a few minutes earlier and the group of onlookers were comprised of some the top writers and editors from…
Expert Tips & Recommendations Jeff Cooper is credited with saying, “Beware the man with one gun. He can probably use it.” He’s likely not wrong. A shooter that becomes intimately familiar with his firearm is likely very capable. I definitely can’t speak from experience, however, as I love shooting a multitude of firearms. During a typical hunting season, I’ll head afield with a half dozen or more different rifles, depending on what I’m hunting, where I’m hunting and occasionally just what mood I’m in. I love hunting rifles and have way more than I could ever use in a single…
Hunting is about getting as close to your game as possible but close can be a relative term. In my 45-plus years of hunting on six different continents, I’ve gained enough experience to know that getting up close and personal isn’t always an option, especially in the mountains or the more open plains. For this reason, I’ve spent considerable time equipping myself and practicing for those eventual long-range scenarios. I’m well practiced out to 800 yards and have taken several animals at or near that range. There’s no magic to it. It just takes the right gear and dedication. Despite…
Seven-millimeter cartridges (7mm) have been around since the advent of the 7mm Mauser in 1893. Still, it was the arrival of the 7mm Remington Magnum, in 1962, that really skyrocketed the caliber’s popularity in North America. Since then, we’ve seen a bevy of new 7mm cartridges, and many hunters are looking to them as the ideal choice for whitetails and mule deer. But are they? Let’s take a look at some of the more popular 7mm cartridge choices. 7mm Remington Magnum (RM) I’ll admit to having a bit of a love/hate relationship with this cartridge and never fully embraced it…
Since the advent of social media and the increased popularity of hunting television programs, it’s become in vogue to give big bucks—the ones that will be the targets for the season—a catchy name. Monikers like Blade Runner, The Pope, High Tower, Junk Yard, Big Nasty and countless others abound. In some ways, this has always kind of annoyed me. Maybe it’s because we never have enough target bucks that we need a system to keep track of them. Heck, in many years, we don’t even have a target buck. Or maybe it’s just that I’m getting old, and I wish…
As I made the last few steps up the boulder-strewn mountainside, the big ram came into view. I’d like to say I’d been waiting 32 years for this moment, but I honestly hadn’t. The thought that I’d be walking up on the ram that completed my grand slam only entered my head a few months earlier. It wasn’t something that I aspired to, and while I was familiar with the term and the requirements of completing a grand slam, it was just something that I’d never dare imagine, let alone plan. Yet, here I was, about to place my hand…
Many hunters and shooters believe that 6.5mm caliber cartridges are new to the scene. While they have been getting a lion’s share of attention recently, the truth is, they aren’t new at all. My first hunting rifle, acquired about 1972, was a 264 Winchester Magnum. At the time, I honestly didn’t know that a .264 caliber was the same thing as a 6.5mm caliber. Metric calibers weren’t all that popular then. The only one I’d heard of at the time was the 7mm Remington Magnum. That has been commercially available since 1962, but it really wasn’t that popular until later…
Great Tips for Selecting a Guide for your Dream Hunt Few hunters haven’t dreamed of doing a guided hunt one day. Whether it be for Whitetails in Canada or plains game in South Africa, most hunters have a bit of a wanderlust. The prices for hunts—especially those in North America—have skyrocketed recently, so it’s more important than ever to ask all the right questions and do the appropriate research before parting with your hard-earned dollars. I’ve had the good fortune to hunt on six continents and I have hunted with dozens of outfitters. Most have been amazing experiences. As…
We made our way up the steep, rocky ridge in the pre-dawn darkness, picking each step with caution, knowing that one misplaced step could have serious consequences. I’d been up the ridge countless times over the 30-plus years I’d been hunting this property but didn’t take the ascent lightly. As we crested the ridge, I wiped the sweat from my brow and looked out over the vast expanse to the east. Behind me, the high peaks of the Rockies stood stalwart 60 miles to the west. Before me, the foothills gave way to lush hayfields and the odd crop of…