Author: Emily Lamb

Growing up on a farm, Emily Lamb had a contagious passion for the outdoors at a young age. As time progressed, this began to bloom into obtaining quality food via hunting, fishing and foraging, as well as wildlife management through professional trapping and environmental work. As Emily learned more, she became enthusiastic about introducing potential outdoorsmen to the lifestyle and teaching basic, obtainable skills to anyone with interest. Today, Emily teaches outdoor skills via freelance writing and her outdoor education company Canis Outdoors, as well as provides professional wildlife management as the owner of Canis Environmental Solutions. In her free time, she travels to hunt and fish, or cooks delicious ethically obtained food for as many friends as possible on her hobby farm in western AB.
Excited about foraging? Me too! But before we dive into the subject of tasty local flora, let’s go over a few best practices for general foraging. First, the medicinal benefits of wild edibles are one of the main reasons for their popularity and use. Still, it’s important to be health conscious and to ensure that wild edibles don’t interfere with any existing health conditions, medications or concerns. For example, dandelions should not be consumed by those taking blood thinners. A quick Google search or a chat with your doctor is always recommended before consuming large amounts of any wild edible.…
I’m not going to lie to you. Scouting isn’t high on the list of what inspires folks to hunt. Scouting can be time-consuming and laborious, and it often ends with nothing concrete to show for it until much later on. However, scouting is a massive part of a responsible and fulfilling hunting experience. It is often what makes or breaks a successful hunt, even if it goes relatively unmentioned when someone recalls their more dramatic and cathartic hunting events. So, let’s dive into the topic of scouting. Methods Before I head out to any hunting area, I take the time…
When a person thinks about outdoor pursuits, trapping may not come to mind right away, if at all. As a group of folks predisposed to privacy, many trappers probably prefer it that way. Existing quietly behind the scenes, trappers tend to navigate the complex dynamics of furbearer populations and social demands while playing a key role in conservation. However, many outdoorsmen are discovering that modern trapping can offer a rich and rewarding experience in the wild, even if they are unsure how attainable that experience truly is. In truth, trapping can be a reality for anyone who is willing to…