Armed And Responsible: What Handgun Defends Best Against Bears?July 18, 2022By Kat Stevens5 Mins Read In 2016, Alaskan fishing guide Phil Shoemaker made two discoveries: 1) Yes, it’s possible to use a handgun chambered in…
The Dutch OvenJuly 7, 2022By Timothy Fowler8 Mins Read Dutch ovens are the matriarch of cast iron with their strength and versatility. Here’s everything you need to know to…
Muzzleloader Hunting: Gear ChecklistJuly 7, 2022By Pete Rogers9 Mins Read The evolution of muzzleloader enthusiasm exploded in 1985 when Tony Knight, of Knight Muzzleloader fame, designed and implemented an idea…
The Evolution Of Trail CamsMay 3, 2022By Kevin Wilson10 Mins Read Trail cams have evolved by leaps and bounds over the past couple of decades. Almost every hunter has at least…