Nose Jammer® is designed to overwhelm the sense of smell of big game animals and predators such as elk, whitetail, pronghorn, hogs, and coyotes. Try Nose Jammer® Wax Sticks to jam any critter you’re after this coming season. They’ll never see you coming.
Nose Jammer® is designed to overwhelm the sense of smell of big game animals and predators such as elk, whitetail, pronghorn, hogs, and coyotes. The formula contains Vanillin and other natural aromatic compounds including lignin, a major support structure for trees, grasses, and shrubs. These compounds don’t alarm game animals, but instead jam the olfactory system. This happens when those compounds are delivered at concentrated levels, overloading the olfactory gland found in an ani- mal’s nose, helping hunters to remain concealed.
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