Author: NA Deer Hunter Staff
NADH is the authority on hunting the most popular big game animal in North America, the white tailed deer, plus other species of big game from around the world. Readers will have access to passionate, skilled hunters and be able to learn form their experiences in all aspects of Big Game hunting. We’ll share the latest in gear and techniques from the world’s finest manufacturers with our expert reviews and insightful training resources to help make you a more skilled, successful hunter.
Shop Raw Frozen Scents Here There is no doubt that most bucks seem to have fallen off the face of the Earth come the middle of October, as compared to their high visibility just a few weeks earlier. The biggest reason is that instead of feeding in the wide open, they’re now deep in the woods, feeding on hard mast and browse. Take some time to scout for what they’re eating and set up on a bed to feed pattern. Besides pattering whitetails and what they’re eating, there is another advantage that can be used for hunting during the lockdown.…
At this point, nearly all states that hunt whitetails are open. With the turn of the October calendar comes the unofficial “beginning” to deer season for the country. The cameras have been running overtime across much of the country, and confirming what we already suspected…Bucks are still on their food-to-bed-to-food patterns. If you think the rut is the only time to tag a mature buck, think again. October hunting can be just as good. Whitetails are slaves to their stomach, especially in the early parts of October. They will generally be on their feet to feed every six to eight…
A look through the full season of whitetail activity as we all prepare for November, and that infamous time of the year called “The Rut.”
On the second day of a 10-day moose hunt, I shot a nice bull. Eleven hours later my buddy and I had it broken down and were back in camp. It was my partner’s first moose hunt. Having lived in Alaska for nearly a decade, I’d been on a number of moose hunts, so I knew what to expect. “I could care less if I kill a bull,” my buddy said that night as he crawled into his sleeping bag. The next day, we hung around camp and let our bodies recover. We glassed from a knoll. Moose moved through…
September typically means velvet bucks are beginning to peel, and whitetail are still off limits to most hunters across whitetail country. However, some states like Kentucky, Montana, North and South Dakota, South Carolina and a few others, all have early start dates offering great early hunting opportunities coupled with the chance to score on a velvet trophy. Most bucks, even mature ones, often follow a daily summer feeding pattern right into late September early October. Many of those patterns dissolve as summer comes to an end unless you have a fresh green food source to transition them from green-to-green food.…
It’s mid-August, and the time of year that we’ve all been waiting for is fast approaching. This year, North American Deer Hunter has teamed up with our writers and industry professionals from across the country to bring you the Rut Report! From now through the end of December, follow the Rut Report as we journey through all stages of the whitetail season and that infamous time of year we refer to as the rut. Tune in weekly to get live updates from the field. Our Reveal, Spypoint and Stealth Cam cellular cameras are running from Texas, to New York, to…
Traditions start at zero. Someone does something and it turns out well, perhaps better than they expected. So, they do it again…and again…and again, until it seems a part of the natural order, inked on the calendar, planned for, and looked forward to year to year. In time, as the tradition endures, it becomes an expectation in the timeline of our lives. It’s something that is regarded with anticipation and it’s something that becomes part of the fabric, as they say. Of course, we’re going to do that; we always have. Traditions transcend time and outlive individual participants. Here is…
In states across the country, the state of our hunting heritage and the wildlife we love are at a dire crossroads. From fish and game commissions to state legislatures to Congress, intense pressure is being applied by anti-hunting interests, threatening to undermine wildlife management efforts and erode the rights of hunters. Unfortunately, the hunting community struggles with not having a simple, effective means of using its collective voice — and being heard. To help overcome that hurdle, a powerful hunter advocacy and action platform was launched in 2021: HOWL For Wildlife. Howl’s start For Charles Whitwam and John Stallone, co-founders…
My dad, Rick Wilson, has told this story countless times since he experienced this event in 1997. It ultimately amounted to a “roadside calling.” As he told it, “I was driving down a Virginia highway one Saturday morning in late September to meet some friends. We were planning to clear a little brush at the farm where we hunted and celebrate the landowner’s birthday with a barbecue. About five miles from the farm, I spotted a woman standing along the road next to her car with the trunk open.” When my dad stopped to see if the woman needed help,…
The Lodge @ Dreaming Tree Ranch became a reality in 2019 and is the flagship project of the Help Sami Kick Cancer Foundation. Operated by Jim and Karen Curtis, The Lodge is in northern New York state, and is a place where a family can reconnect with each other through nature and all the beautiful nature-inspired blessings that living in the foothills of the Adirondacks provides each day of the year. They financially assist local families who are faced with a pediatric cancer diagnosis, and we partner with other like-minded organizations, plus schools and hospitals to learn of those in…